Hewlett-Packard Table of Contents Industry consultant contacts i Trademark acknowledgments i What's new 1 Corporate overview 1 Key executives 1 Financial performance 2 HP's major claims 3 Major product overview 4 Product family positioning 4 Competitive performance positioning 5 Summary of Gartner Group's win/loss analysis 7 Reasons to choose Hewlett-Packard 9 Reason #1 Optimum flexibility through open systems 10 Reason #2 Superior price/performance via RISC 16 Reason #3 Leadership in quality and support 23 Reason #4 Customer successes 28 Figures HP financial highlights 2 HP revenues by region 2 Competitive performance positioning HP 3000 5 Workstation performance positioning 5 Low-end systems performance positioning HP 9000 6 High-end systems performance positioning HP 9000 6 1992 UNIX vendors' OS market share 11 1992 WW midrange UNIX market installed base units 12 1992 U.S. midrange UNIX market units consumed 13 1992 WW commercial multiuser market RISC-based UNIX systems 17 1992 WW commercial multiuser market RISC-based UNIX systems 18 UNIX TPC-A forecast 20 HP 3000 leads industry in systems reliability/availability 24 Quality products 25 HP rates number one in support 27 Support Service mission/target market 1 Service offerings 1 Figures System support 1 Industry consultant contacts For reprints of industry consultant papers, please contact the appropriate firm listed below. There will be a charge for each copy. If a firm is not listed, call the HP Marketing Research Information Center (MRIC) at Telnet or (408) 447-1310. Aberdeen Group (617) 723-7890 D. H. Brown Associates, Inc. (914) 631-7859 Forrester Research, Inc. (617) 497-7090 International Data Corporation (IDC) (415) 691-0500 (508) 872-8200 (Main office) Meta Group (203) 226-6382 Trademark acknowledgments UNIX(rm) is a registered trademark of AT&T in the USA and other countries. X/Open(rm) is a registered trademark of X/Open Limited. Microsoft(rm) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. MS-DOS(rm) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. MS-Windows(rm) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. StarGroup(tm) is a trademark of AT&T. From Selling Against the Competition Competitive Binder, 5091-6465E, 9301 Associated files: hptoc.doc Hewlett-Packard Table of Contents